AudioJungle Sales Monitor

I have sales glory to God !!!

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The sam here bro. I donā€™t get it at all :slight_smile: Sometimes I just laugh for 10 minutes :slight_smile: hehe

Weak Monday hereā€¦ Come on, purchasers, two days left!

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Many ups and downs in August, but in the end it will be my second best month ever.



After 2 good weeks i seem to have gone off-radar (again)

hey, what had happened in June?) Looks like you have done something bad)

August is not the worst month for me, but I think it should be betterā€¦

Everyoneā€™s monthly chart be lookin like the Rocky Mountains and Iā€™m sitting here with a few trees.

Iā€™m starting an EDM duo with my cousin weā€™ll see how that works out.


Start EDM Duo?is it just for AJ or you tried the artist way?good luck with that :wink:

Good end of August for me but letā€™s wait for better in September

Is there any chance to become ā€œNew popular authorā€ with 15 sales this month ?

Your first tracks are uploaded in July so, as far as I understand it, that train is gone. I had hope for that myself when I started, but realised my first track was accepted on 31st of December, so in january I was no longer a ā€œnewā€ author.

I cannot complain about august. above average month, so far!
letā€™s hope that the trend will continue!!

Thank you for reply, didnā€™t know about that, I didnā€™t know how it works, since I saw there as ā€œnew popular authorā€ in july 2016 guys registred in 2012.

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Very bad start of the week for meā€¦

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The best month ever for me. The reason is quite obvious - one of my items got featured;), however Iā€™m very pleased that featured itemā€™s sales are ā€œonlyā€ a bit more than half of my all sales in August. It means that my strategy pays off and I donā€™t rely only on one item. Good luck in September guys! :wink:


Good luck in September everybody!


Good luck to everyone in September! :raised_hands:


Good luck in September , God bless you guys )))