Audiojungle authors, what is your main DAW?

Yes, you are missing out on a lot of audio editing functions thats not in 9 (I think) and as Enrize mentions, midi effects. I have used Logic since its PC days and this is by far the best version of Logic, in my opinion.
But I respect that others have another opinion, and it doesn’t look like Logic9 is holding you back :wink:

(And if you haven’t got it already, you’re missing out on Alchemy)

Thats cool @FlossieWood :grinning: Reason 9 looks very tempting but I’ll stick to 7 for now especially that I started discovering Logic Pro X now and… (thats main reason :grinning:) I have no funds to invest in this upgrade…:cry: Have fun with new Reason! All the best! :thumbsup:

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Studio One 3. Now thinking about Logic Pro X)

@CustomMelody Funny I was starting to get interested in Studio One! I Prefer Apple products, but it just seems like you can get more bang for your buck with PC.

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I spent a full day trying to tweak the X demo to work, look and feel like my 9 but failed. I don’t like the way regions drag and move, the overall look of all the buttons, faders and mixer doesn’t please me at all, plus the screen resolution I have makes everything look too big, clumsy and bloated. I couldn’t get my shortcuts and workflow back and noticed considerable cpu load increase comparing the same projects between X and 9. I understand there are new features and everything but I’m not really missing anything in my 9 so I’m not ready to invest in a new mac, monitor and the time to adapt just yet. I much rather spend my time learning to play, compose and mix with tools I already know from my years spent with 9. I guess at some point I will feel a need to take the plunge but as of now I don’t feel the need or inspiration to. Granted, X can do more than 9 and certainly more than GB, but my first day impression was just that Apple was changing it up top much in order to make it more “apple”-ish (remember Emagic did most of the development until Apple took over, lowered the price and shifted from studio grade focus to the much larger bedroom producer market). In the end just my personal opinions I guess but I do have friends working full time with 9 who also prefer to hold on to the “past” as long as they can. It’s a good piece of software and it’s become part of me, that’s all.

I know what you’re saying but Logic X has two massive additions in that it now comes with Alchemy after they bought it off Camel Audio, and the new drummer track. I can’t stress how much the Logic drummer has changed my work, it’s awesome.

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oh , i started at ableton
and i wan’t change him to another daw
this is perfect workstation

I totally agree! It’s a great tool to kick start the drumtracks. Once you’re close it’s easy to edit to perfection in piano roll. :grinning:

Used Reason and now Reaper

Logic Pro X. And it’s very good.

someone can tell me, than ableton better logic?)
i would like go to logic from ableton , but i’m afraid :frowning:

Ableton Live 9. I like this DAW

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guys Reaper rocks, you can add like many many plugins and the cpu is under 10%

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Cubase 8.5 for orchestral and Logic X for electronic/pop.

Cubase 8 :sunglasses:

Logic Pro X and Pro Tools

FL Studio 11 for me.

I have one DAW and it is ProTools 11.

I’ve been on cubase, sonar, pro tools and also I tried bitwig, but I keep coming back to Cubase (now on version 8.5) , to me it’s the most superior daw on market today… to be honest, I liked the pro tools mixer a lot :slight_smile:

For many years I use FL Studio. I would like more, but money isn’t enough :slight_smile: