The Item analytics can’t work for me (Google chrome).
Just loading but nothing.
Any solution ?
Everything’s fine. Google chrome
I don´t remember the last time i could see the analytics. Chrome.
But it doesn´t matter for me
Are you using an adblocker? Try disabling the adblocker for the analytics page. uBlock for instance blocks the analytics page.
It doesn’t work in Chrome for me either, I just use Internet Explorer whenever I want to see the analytics page. I haven’t tried disabling adBlocker and uBlock though.
EDIT: Yep, disabling uBlock extension solved the issue. AdBlock doesn’t seem to cause this malfunction.
Yes, The Ublock Origin. Thank you !
Now everything okay
Back to problems with Analitycs as looks like from a bunch of weeks ago there are technical issues involved with the “Envato-Google Marriage”. Any clue?
Same problem…
I see this message on Analytics page:
“We’re having some issues with analytics at the moment, but fear not! We’re on it already. Can you check back in a little while?”