Alone Theme Plugins

Hello @FatimaRnB
Welcome to our community!

I’m not sure about the plugins included in the theme, but let me tag the theme developer @Bearsthemes, who can help with details and support.

Regarding the difference between a parent theme:

A parent theme is a complete theme which includes all files and assets for the theme to work.

When you install a (parent) theme, sometimes you’ll want to make some custom changes to it (like reducing all images size from 100% to 60%, just an example)

But afterwards, when a new version of the theme is available, you’ll want to update the theme. But simply updating it…will override the custom changes you’ve just made (like the images size mentioned before). And that’s a problem…

To avoid this, WordPress offers you the possibility to extend your theme with a child theme from the start (a child theme inherits the look and feel from the parent theme, but will not be overwritten by theme updates, so your custom changes will be safe).

Conclusion: when you find inside a package you bought from ThemeForest a parent theme and a child theme, you have to install them both (the parent one first). And then, you activate the child theme. And whenever you’ll want to make custom changes (in the look and feel or in the functionality) just make them only in the child theme. Then, it will be safe when you update.