
I need a script that is Close too I am currently using yourls version but i need my script to:

1.Have a five second add
2. allow users to sign up.
3. record visits to users links and pay them

I will Pay for this script and need it as SOON as possible please post here or pm me for details. You can also add me on msn:

did you see:

YES! I really liked that version and contacted him about a clone more like! ^.^ we are currently talking and hopefully working something out. But in the meantime maybe someone has an already finished on or example of what they could make ect. :]

fulgorek said

did you see:

It’s been removed?
I get a 404 Page Not Found when i click that link.

try contact author:

fulgorek said

try contact author:

Thanks Fulgorek. :slight_smile:

Was searching at google and found something .i dont know if im allowed to post links here or not .but try searching this “adlinks clone” at google and you’ll find it :slight_smile:
(its a forum post).

I contact Ozonostudio 12 days ago via email but he does not reply.

Searching in Google i found that the script he was selling was a FREE open source script (this one ) that he added a piece of Javascript code to and sold it under his own name.

So that’s copyright infringement.

Probably that is the reason why it’s been deleted by Codecanyon staff.

So are you still looking for it?
Did you tried ADLINKS ?

cuteprince said

So are you still looking for it?
Did you tried ADLINKS ?

Don’t know what you mean.

indexed said
cuteprince said

So are you still looking for it?
Did you tried ADLINKS ?

Don’t know what you mean.

I mean ,are you still looking for clone ? and did you checked the Adlinks v1.1 (Its a clone script)?


Together with a partner I’ve taken it upon me to create a clone.
It is not open source however, but updates will follow and more can be requested at our forums ;).

If you’re interested in buying or would like to see a demo, please take a look at the AdShort script we’ve made on
Unturn PHP Scripts

I’m Sorry to say but your script really sucks!!
& you cant post links here!

It is not clickable, is it. Putting that aside, how does it suck? It is still the first version we’ve released, but it does what it says it does.

0h! So you want me to explain?

0k but no hard feelings.

Just trying comparing your script with and you’ll find many inappropriate features and functions that you’ve added and the major things that makes to standalone with some uniqueness are not even highlighted !!

Just trying reviewing it yourself rather than asking others to review it !