$5000+ of sales but still didn't got author level 4 what's wrong?

I knew that author level 4 is for $5000+ of sales, I have reached this milstone but I am still on level 3 :frowning:
Can anyone explain how author level badge work?

I’ve had similar “problem” but it will be resolved in Australian time about 16 hours from now. Cheers :slight_smile:

Oh! thank you, so I will have my new level when the data updated!

Yes and congrats on your new badge, cheers :slight_smile:

Congrats on the achievement

@ERROPiX Congratulations. I too faced that problem. Be patient it will be updated automatically. :smile:

Congratulations and best of luck with your future sales! :smiley:

Just log out and log in again. :slight_smile:

Thank you guys, I have it now!