500 sales! Yay!

Congratulation, mate! CoolGif :cat:

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Congratulations AudioTrend. Great milestone!

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Congratulations :slight_smile:

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Congrats, mate! :slight_smile:

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congrats buddy, Nice achievement :slight_smile:

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happy for you :wink: good luck for teh next steps :wink:

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I send my love and congratulations to you! Must feel nice my friend! :smile:

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Thank you for congratulations! Appreciate that :blush:

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Thankā€™s mate ! :blush:

Well done mate! Well deserved!

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Well done! Congrats! :smile:

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@MarvinBlueProductions @CubeSounD_NonEx

Thankā€™s guys! Itā€™s almost 600 already :smiley:

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Cool!!!:)))) Itā€™s really inspire for all of us!!! Great achievement, mate!!! :rocket: :airplane: :helicopter: :bullettrain_side: :yum:

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Congratz and I hope you make many more! Btw is it a coincidence that your logo looks like JamesVā€™s? Iā€™ve seen that specific double-A or double V logo a lot recently.

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Haha, AudioTrend was first with his design :smile:

I was working on this logo for a while back in July / August and as I was approaching finishing the design I suddenly realised that it did in fact look very similar to AudioTrendā€™s new logo!

Aware of this, I personally sent an email to James (AudioTrend) and asked if he was OK with me implementing my new branding, and although acknowledging that it was quite similar, he allowed it :slight_smile:

The idea behind my logo is that it is two letter As representing my production name (Aurus Audio). Iā€™m planning on changing my username soon to reflect this change.

So yes, theyā€™re quite similar, but we agreed our branding is different enough not to be imitating each other :slight_smile:

I blame AudioTrend for changing his logo so many times :joy: :sunglasses:

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WOW cool! congratz!
its a great idea to make that gif sales documentationā€¦ i will make that one too :slight_smile:

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Congratulations!!! :tada: Best wishes, MotionAudio ! :blush:

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@MotionAudio @tewibowo @JamesVMusic @PixelLoveLLC @Synthezx

Youā€™re awesome guys, thank you! :smiley:

PixelLoveLLC - yes, it is a coincidence. James explained everything correctly :point_up_2: :smile:

Congrats man :slight_smile: Keep it up!

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