200 sales after 1 year Joined Audio Jungle

Hello friends,

Thank you Envato and customers for a wonderful year. 200 sales for 1 year is not quite a lot for some other authors. But i have learnt a lot from the community about how to compose the “right” music, how to do promotion and more things.
Hope we are stronger and stronger. More successful. Keep going new authors.

God bless us.
Thank you.


Congratulations kimlongmusic. That is a very good accomplishment in a year. Hope your next year is even better! :slight_smile:

Congrats @kimlongmusic !!!

Congratulations! @kimlongmusic :tada:

Congratulations :tada:

Congratulations!! :smiley:

Congrats @kimlongmusic, keep going!

Wow ! Congrats !

I think it’s a good result. Congrats!

Congratulations & keep going! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much.

Thank you very much

Thank you very muc @WildKittyTunes

Thank you very much @wow_themes

Thank you very much @Manriquedelara

Thank you very much @SixideBeats

Thank you very much @zigro

Thank you very much @Music-Ideas

Thank you very much. You do a good job too. @SnailMusic

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200 sales for the first year is a great result. Congratulations!

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