Zendesk Envato validator widget (Updated)


I was always using the Zendesk purchase code validator from Mattes (https://github.com/mattes/zendesk-envato-app) but it seems like this plugins isn’t getting updated anymore, and since the new support changes you can’t verify if the buyer is still in his support period.

So I made some changes the the script of Mattes and would like to share them with everyone who needs it.

You can download the plugin here: Download here

You can install it via “Settings -> Apps -> Manage -> Upload app”
More info about installing the app here

Please let me know if you are having any issues or questions :blush:


Thank you very much for posting!

I recently stumbled upon this too [Zendesk App] - Verifying Purchase Codes & Support Packs . Currently i’m bookmarking everything :smiley: and as soon as i’m getting into Zendesk will start testing.



I didn’t know about that one, thanks for letting me know :smiley:

Looks like that we did more or less the same :wink: