youtube iframe api with jquery

If I create a youtube iframe with jquery and append it to the dom like so:

var videoIFrame = $('

I get a youtube video but how do I access youtube api from this?

I’ve only used the jsapi once, but I think you have to add an id to the end of your src string like this:

Then catching the reference to the player:

function onYouTubePlayerReady(playerId)  {
      ytplayer = document.getElementById("myytplayer");


But the problem with this is that the video is loaded in an iframe and communicating becomes tricky. I haven’t tried this before but here’s a possible solution:

Not sure why the syntax is so different from Vimeo iframe api.

For Vimeo after you create iframe the same way as above, you get the player reference like so:

vimeoPlayer = Froogaloop(videoIFrame[0]);

and thats it, you just listen for ‘ready’ event and you can use it.

But for youtube it goes like this:

I am not sure if this event onYouTubePlayerReady is going to be heard from jQuery.

Contact my mate nirvana tikku.


He is a YouTube genius.

Thanks, I saw this TubePlayer plugin before, but I wanted to use the simplest of embeds.

Tean said

Thanks, I saw this TubePlayer plugin before, but I wanted to use the simplest of embeds.

He is so helpful, just ask him.