Your Twitter widget not working? Check this out.

Hi everyone,

For some reason yesterday our twitter widget that we include with our WordPress themes stopped working. There reason is that Twitter have changed their endpoints to versioned ones. For more info:!topic/twitter-api-announce/K3C9bqSuwXU

And make sure you update your Twitter widgets :slight_smile:


all the world twitter widgets are failing… this suck! Fortunately I don’t have too many themes to update.

I’m sorry for the reviewers, they will have a lot of updates to handle very soon.


Millions of websites’ twitter widget just become unavailable… Nice move! At least they should add a redirect or something… :frowning:

However, in case you used this kind of script to get tweets:

$.getScript(“"+o.userName+".json?callback=twitterCallback2&count=”+o.numTweets, function() {

Replace it to this:

$.getScript(“"+o.userName+".json?callback=twitterCallback2&count=”+o.numTweets, function() {

Yeah … found this yesterday and made the replace for my latest theme. Now i have to update all older themes :smiley:

Just noticed this on our sites as well.