Your items needs improvement

  • You need to add some kind of user manual and documentation file.
    Most importantly, remember that buyers may not be technically inclined. They may just be looking for an item to drop into their existing code base. Also keep in mind that a typical user won’t really know about all the features your system brings to the table. With them in mind, you should also look into providing a quick start guide of some sort.

Please great minds help me show more light and break it into pieces on what to do exactly, i don’t want to do it wrongly. Please

You can use a premade template or the Documenter tool for your documentation, both linked below:

you have to include a user friendly documentation with your upload (main download for customer copy). so that customer come to know about the item features, installation, requirements, how to use, how to customization … etc.


msgscoder thanks so very much, i truly appreciate. i will would perfectly work towards achieving that.

mgscoder i have same issue with same message from envato team. I prepared a documentation file, i just want to know that should i upload only the documentation file or the documentation file along with all the previous main files?

you should upload the full one mean a folder zip where the zip folder will include 2 folders: Documentation folder and your main items files folder.

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hi mgscoder, i re-submitted my item about six(6) days earlier after all the changes guide lined by envato quality team reviewer. But still it’s in pending state and no reply or approved though it showed it will take 2 days when i re-submitted. it’s a .NET script.

Please keep patience, hope they will review as quickly they can. Thanks

Please include a very user friendly documentation into your product and also place it on your products page so that any customer and user which come to know about items features then they can very easily know about the application installation, requirements and how to use it etc.

Thank you