Your favorite TV series

Who’s pumped for tonight!? Walt vs. Hank, let’s get it on!

CodingJack said

Who’s pumped for tonight!? Walt vs. Hank, let’s get it on!

Going to be a fun season! Chemistry teacher vs cop, I’m pumped alright :slight_smile:

CodingJack said

Who’s pumped for tonight!? Walt vs. Hank, let’s get it on!

Thanks for remainder, can’t wait how it ends.

CodingJack said

Who’s pumped for tonight!? Walt vs. Hank, let’s get it on!

To bad only 8 episodes… Non the less, this is going to be goood :smiley:

Tread lightly…

I love Prison Break!!!

Love It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Hate any show about doctors or lawyers, so far at least. Except dr.Who :stuck_out_tongue:

Top Gear, Gossip Girl, Game of Thrones, So You think You can Dance, X Factor

Lost, Dexter, Heroes, Chuck, Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama and so many others that I can`t even remember.

ic0de said

Lost, Dexter, Heroes, Chuck, Family Guy, South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama and so many others that I can`t even remember.

In addition to these, TBBT, GOT, The OC, Gags for Fun, Friends…

GEORDIE SHORE!!! 8-)8-):sunglasses:


Mr bean

My favourites tv serials :

  1. Game of Thrones

  2. Two and a Half Men ( when Charlie Sheen was playing , Ashton Kuctcher is okay , but not like Charlie :inlove: )

  3. Teen Wolf

In no particular order:
24, The Walking Dead, Homeland, Sopranos, Lost, The Killing, and American Horror Story.

Comedy? Family Guy, It’s Always Sunny in Philadephia, Seinfeld, South Park, and Big Bang Theory.

Apparently I’m all over the map haha

Also, I’m in the 2nd season of my Breaking Bad marathon, liking this one too!

To all the “AMC” followers…

I read somewhere that in the final episode of “Breaking Bad”, Heisenberg makes 100% pure crystal meth… And that is how “The walking Dead” begins…

…Joke of course, but it would be awesome though! :smiley:

My favorites series are :

  1. How I met Your Mother
  2. The Vampire Diaries
  3. The mentalist
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  • 1. Breaking Bad
  • 2. Fringe
  • 3. Heroes
  • 4. Doctor Who
  • 5. The Walking Dead

I’ve been addicted to re-runs of The Amazing Race the last week or so… Didn’t catch on when it was the rage, but man do I love a good race.

Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Nurse Jackie, Frasier, Cheers, Outnumbered, Corner Gas, Big Bang Theory, Hi-de-hi, You Rang my Lord,…

Many! But after Lost, I didn’t enjoyed any series as much as it! It was fantastic!