My theme get 75 sales after 5 days approved. And we unlock new badge "Weekly Top Seller"
We’re very happy
Thanks Envato! Thanks all customers!
Good luck to all!
My theme get 75 sales after 5 days approved. And we unlock new badge "Weekly Top Seller"
We’re very happy
Thanks Envato! Thanks all customers!
Good luck to all!
You are bless - man
Congrats !!!
I whant this badge too
Thank you!! Wish you have this badge soon.
Congrats !!!
@romlam @melodrama @ArashDarehshouri thanks you!
Wish you luck with sale!
Congratulation @JanStudio
You guys are on a great roll. Congratulations @JanStudio! Keep up the excellent work
@janxcode_team @MidnightSnap thank you guys !
Great theme! Can you share with us what marketing you did (social, adv campaigns, ad words, sponsored reviews…)?
Thank you!
Hi @ThePixor we only make a great product not use any adv campaign, we fail in the past with google adwords.
Our theme start with $29 for first 50 purchases.
But I think if you make a great product you will get more sale.
Thank you for the infos, is incredible that you beat themes like Aveda and X that do a mega marketing.
You not did really nothing, also any social post on fb or tw or emails or any other publication somewhere?
I ask due I’m pretty sure that if for example I publish your theme with my account I will not reach this sales number.
Thank you!
You can check our social channel :). I only have 1 post on Facebook.
I think we success because our item is unique not like others.
You can check my profile all of my item i do, i try to do it as the best.
Ok, thank you very much for the informations