Wrong Product Linked with the Veliki Theme

I wanted to buy this theme https://themes.envytheme.com/veliki/

But at the time of purchase, when i click on the “Purchase Veliki”

its redirected to https://themeforest.net/item/alpas-ai-startups-wordpress-theme/25143571?irgwc=1&clickid=yOu1PfzUoVRGxnWTrcRH%3A3xoUkEy-FUt%3ATzoQk0&iradid=275988&irpid=2071635&iradtype=ONLINE_TRACKING_LINK&irmptype=mediapartner&mp_value1=&utm_campaign=af_impact_radius_2071635&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=impact_radius

and this is a wrong product and I was feeling cheated . This is the techincal problem from Themeforest that they have linked wrong website theme link. Please help me to understand how to get my money back for the wrong product shared with me.

Sounds more like an error by the author than envato. You should contact support Envato Market Help and Support

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no, this is not Themeforest issue at all. this is a mistake of the theme author. they have placed a wrong affiliate link. I think they mistakenly linked Alpas theme instead of Veliki theme. You can contact theme author about this. if author don’t want to assist you about this then you can contact envato customer support.