wrong file download

file downloded is not the same with shown photo
here is the projet

hi did you try to contact the author from whom u bought this item ? this is looking strange if u ask me as i assume that the review teams would have rejected the item in such a case. I believe that u should contact the author and if he/she does not answer , then, maybe calling the help center would be a the right thing to do

How can i contact help center or the author for that

hi it looks like that the author of this is https://elements.envato.com/fr/user/adilbudianto/graphic-templates, so i guess u can contact him by sending a message from the profile page of his account (if it works the same way in elements as in GR) for the help center a simple search in google could make u find the link https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202821620-Contact-Us

thanks a lot
i sent message to help centere support,
but still can’t find the user page profile to contact

if u have contacted the help center now i guess this is no need anyways … i am not part of elements so i do not know how this “entity” is working, maybe u should ask @PeakStar i guess he should be able to tell u, he is a member of elements

You can’t contact any author from elements - technically impossible because elements works in different way than the market do - envato is 100% responsible for “selling” those items to customers - so there is no even “profile” page of authors - only pages with our works, without info about us, without contact forms etc.

So on elements you don’t even have features which are available on regular market as support from author etc.

The only way is to contact elements support team.

(or you can try to find this author on the market under the same nick-name but this is not official way to do it). ;]

peace :slight_smile:

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hi buddy but i tried for him, this is not working in GR … i am surprised by the way that someone with no envato account has one for elements … i was not aware that it could be possible