WP Price Comparison Theme Customization


I installed a price comparison wordpress page and need some help.

The theme imports xml feeds from various stores via the WP All Import plugin. If any of the imported fields match like the product number (EAN/PID) the items get listed on the same page and prices get compared.

The theme creates a product page for the first imported item. All other later imported items with one matching information get listed in this product site.

I ran into the problem, that sometimes for one and the same product there is no exact matching information at all.
Then the theme would create 2 product pages for one and the same product which makes no sense.

I want to add a function where I can join two existing products by the post id.

This is the theme:


we fixed similar issue 2 days back so we are ready to fix for you also if you are interested ,Please contact me at pnatrial@gmail.com or Skype me at pradeep.narava