Wordpress themes KANT - need the Purchase code

To contact the support service and submit a ticket to ThemeMountain (https://thememountain.ticksy.com/) for their KANT product, I need an Evento purchase code. I sought in my profile and account and I’ve found nothing… Can you help me please ?
Thanks in advance,

Envato market item purchase code

Envato Elements don’t have any purchase code


Thanks ! So, how I can contact the support when I have this screen ? (of course when I clik on “verify purchase with envato” nothing happen…)

Hi Quentin,

Most probably the “Verify purchase with Envato” doesn’t work because you are logged out of your Envato account or you have an ad blocker addon enabled in your browser.

You can try the second option, the one with Envato purchase code.

You can find the Envato purchase code this way:

Log into your Envato Market account.
Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen.
Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu.`
Click near the KANT theme the Download green button then ->‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).
Inside the downloaded .pdf or .txt file, you'll find the Envato purchase code.

This short video explains it: https://youtu.be/srghr25uBgc

To reiterate the point above - if you got the theme from Envato Elements and NOT themeforest then these downloads do not come with support or updates and as such do not have P/codes so you won’t be able to access the support forum

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Why on earth would a theme developer do that? I’m super frustrated with paying for a 4 year old theme with no support.

I just want to change the word “Kant” in the header! Is that so wrong?