Wordpress theme Hard Rejected

So, I need to understand why my first theme for ThemeForest was rejected.
View here the demo:

I really thank all critiques

Hi . more work on typography and spaces

the design was great, it must be the code

and on menu stying (submenu’s to be centered).

Good Day Ahead! :grinning:

Hello, it seems you have good experience, can you please look on my issue? Hard rejected WordPreess theme without reason. Please any feadback Thank a lot!

its look like free template.

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It lacks premium feel

Typography, alignment, spacing and margins need a lot of attention

Needs way more too it to compete e.g. contact page, multiple home pages, etc.
(just check ones already for sale in terms of features, functionality, design and options)

Search sidebar thing needs filling up - too much empty space

The shadows don’t really work

Header and footer need work especially the main nav

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