WordPress Plugin Free & Premium Version


I want the free version of my plugin to be available on the wordpress.org and want the premium version which includes premium features to be sold on the Codecanyon. Can someone guide me what is the procedure in doing that. The plugin can be found at the following link. Looking forward to your response.

(link removed)

Kind Regards,

Hi @ThemesJungle,

Envato authors of WordPress themes and plugins are permitted to offer lite versions (a version with reduced/limited functionality) of their exclusive themes and plugins for free on wordpress.org. See the Exclusivity Policy for more information about being an exclusive author.

Details here (check: Are there any exceptions to exclusivity for items that belong to the same Product Family?):


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Thanks, i believe i am not reaching many people despite of good work done. This means i can upload the limited version on the wordpress.org without losing author exclusivity which is great.



Can someone tell if i upload free version on wordpress.org and use Envato referral link to redirect customers to my plugin premium version if they are interested then does it comes in the referral program of Envato and compliance with the standards and guidelines of Envato?


yes, you can.

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If there is a valid referral is there any chance exist to earn something via Envato Referral Program. Can you tell how to enroll into the referral program. thanks again :slight_smile:


Here is Envato market affiliate program, you can join from here:

You can watch video: