WordPress Music Charts Plugin


for a longer time I´m looking for a good music charts plugin. I know, that there are similiar functionalities, which are shipped with specific themes, but they are too basic.

What I´m looking for is a plugin, which creates a music charts table via shortcode to a page or post.
The music charts plugin should work as follows:

  • You´ve got different columns. Each column has the music file input, which should use the oembed wordpress function. So you can use youtube, spotify, soundcloud or mp3 embeds for the song.
  • On the right you´ve got arrows up and down for voting. Voting should be handled by cookie and ip address and saved per song id not column.
  • voting should be possible for guests or only logged in users only.
  • The whole table is sorted by the voting sum of each item - from high to low.
  • The table should be sorted on the fly, when one item was rated higher.
  • At the end of the table, there should be a suggestion form for new songs + captcha.
  • Suggestions should be saved as draft for publishing at backend.
  • Should be fully usefull at mobile devices.

Is there any author, which could create a codecanyon wordpress plugin? I think, there would be enough people for buying such a plugin. Are there any plugins, which I could combine?