[WordPress] - interestiong soft-rejection reason. :)

/* thanks. Issues fixed */


I think your widget Leveling is not the correct order or at least you should rename them to mean the correct level. For example you used Level01 for first/parent level, level02 for 2nd level of child but level03 to level10 all are level 3rd child but from naming ordering meaning level03 to level10 all are individual level. also from the screenshots seems to me arrow indicating is not correct (especially level10). Hope you got my point. Rearrange those with correct order and naming hope all will be good.


Thank you @mgscoder.
Can you check second rejection reason please ? :slight_smile:

All translated strings must be escaped to avoid outputting malicious or malformed code that has been added to a .mo file. Use the functions provided by WordPress to do this, including: esc_html__(), esc_html_e(), esc_html_x(), esc_attr__(), esc_attr_e(), esc_attr_x().

Example(s): https://envato.d.pr/FiP2U1

  • My own translatable texts are used with functions like esc_html_e() , esc_attr(). But Unyson framework and gutenberg uses “__” function. Should I change it ? These are not my codes.

you have to work on your item all code to make sure All translated strings must be escaped. You can get help from https://codex.wordpress.org/ and google search. Thanks

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