Wordpress from url get external source title

Hi I am building a news website. I am trying to automate it.

  • News url (metabox)
  • Title
  • Content area
  • Image (featured image option on

When paste the site url I would like the other metabox to pull the data from the source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-34527439

I want title and description to pulled form bbc website

I see you can use php cURL any more pointers to wordpress would be much appreciated php.net/manual/en/curl.examples-basic.php


You can use wp_remote_get function https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_remote_get

You can create Ajax listener in your plugin or theme.
Then onFocus event you can validate value of url input metabox via JavaScript and trigger that Ajax listner.
Ajax listener may use wp_remote_get functions to pull all the information as raw response.
Then you can get what you want give back to JavaScript trigger and update necessary fields…

Happy Wordpressing… :smile:

Thanks guys. I will try it out.