Wordpress Advisory Theme

Dear All,

We are creating a new theme for Consultancy/advisory purposes, Before submitting it to Theme-forest we want to take your feedback first so our theme wont get rejected, We also have all pages PSDs with our theme.

LINK: http://advisors.websoulpk.com/

Your help will really be appreciated and we will be very thankful to you.

Many Thanks

For the last time…

As in this thread and again in this thread

You cannot submit other people’s themes for sale elsewhere on here as your work.

Aside from it wasting both your own and envato’s time you run a very real risk of being sued for copyright.

It is not anyone other’s theme sir, it is our own from scratch. it is not htpp://crossage.websoulpk.com

It’s written in the code! http://matchthemes.com/demowp/dentalclinic/

Where it is written sir ?

look at yours and look at the other site. They are the same

But it is not copyrighted sir , code is not theirs. we use their design for different concept as their design was looking cool to us. ( it is also not allowed) ??

Of course the code is theirs - You cannot take code from any other website weather it is a theme here, another marketplace or even Apple - change the design and reskin it. It is copyright theft.

In fact it is even in the other marketplace’s terms and conditions that what you are doing is not allowed.

All files submitted here need to be your own code, your own design (that doe snot include moving hsortcodes around), and original.

Aside from the illegality - these themes are not up to the standard for submission here, they don’t comply to Themeforest’s submission guidelines and if it is not code you wrote then how are you going to be able to update or support files in the future?

Unless you can create your own work then you will never be able to submit files here.

@tayyabiqbal45 It’s not fair what you did. Serious problems of copyright. Code is 98% same !