Woocommerce Google Trusted Store Plugin

Can’t believe this hasn’t yet been done by anyone on Codecanyon.
Plenty of sales with this one.

What exactly you need?

A plugin to help with the integration between Woocommerce & Google Trusted store set-up.
Would also need to display the badge.

This one?

No, that’s for reviews.
Nothing to do with ‘Google Trusted Stores’.

Are you talking about trusted stores or certified shops?

For trusted ones is this not what you want? https://cmsmart.net/wordpress-plugins/woocommerce-google-trusted-store-plugin

I could be wrong but always thought trusted stores (unlike certified shops) had to be US based which would potentially limit the appeal/cause confusion on envato.

They are essentially both the same thing.
One from a customer perspective / business perspective.
or US store / UK Shop.
(We are UK based).

I’ve seen the plugin you linked to already & it does offer what we need.
Although it’s clearly no longer supported.