I need a custom plugin for woocommerce putting together.
It is a price calculator based on height and width, but, instead of simply doing a sum of h x w = price (there is already a plugin for this), we need to be able to specify the prices based on a range. In the back end I would like a table, into which I can place all the prices. Then in the axes I can add the ranges, eg, 0-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc. There also needs to be able to be a max and min which will not allow the calculation if the inputted figure is out of range.
It should then automatically update the number on screen before adding to cart.
There are several different product types that require different pricing, so being able to choose the variables, the max and min dimension and the price for each one is essential.
Essentially what we want is this
Please reply with a how much and a how long. need asap please!