Why we should all support WordPress Gutenberg ?

First I am not against any pagebuilder but as the technology moves over the core WordPress is heading more into javascript we all know about technologies such as ES6, react, angular, vue.js we all know things became more complicated so the challenge now for page builders ( No need to mention names :slight_smile: ) to retain the rise of native web apps ( Native web apps = apps that is using the web browser programming language which is javascript only at the moment ), From my little experience as developer I can say it’s impossible for cretin pagebuilders to retain that flow they can’t simply handle the future I am not saying they will die I learned that technology never dies some people still using none touch phones… I am trying to say we should focus more into our job of making the web more better and safe place we should all push the web forward and let us learn from the past not to stick with it.

I think you can get information about Gutenberg from here

This thread is still opening you can post your question at there!! Envato Team Member will reply to you with details I hope.

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It’s a message to the community of WordPress here not for Envato because I know already Envato are doing their best to keep things updated :slight_smile:

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