Why was my project rejected for the third time?

My project is hard rejected for third time.
Last time I created a topic, nobody helped.

CheckWriter is a Check Printing and Management System with professional features such as:

  • Simple, fast print and save checks.
  • Manage payment and received checks with reporting.
  • Multiple users support.
  • Powerful Visual Editor for check template.
  • Storing Persons and Accounts for fast check writing.
  • Responsive design.
  • Multi Language support.


Thanks to professional authors for their guidance.

I have just posted a similar topic as my item was rejected.
When logged into your system, its giving an error.

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Affter login i get error (Looks like 500) https://prnt.sc/qti48y
This is unacceptable and cannot be approved.


thanks for all

please test this link:

Wait for the page to load completely

Buyers and reviewer will not do this.
But I went ahead and waited for full loading. With respect:

  1. If your script requires time to load, show the indicator.
  2. The user should not receive fatal errors if dynamic content has not been loaded.
  3. Consider using Vue/React/Angular if content is loaded dynamically on network request.
  4. You duplicate access checks in network requests. I think you can check access with one request, and not before each.

I do not understand the functionality of the item. Is it for printing bank checks? I think there are separate standards for such operations. Do you abide by them? Moreover, check system is not common in world and this may not be popular for the Envato.

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thanks Codewayfarer!
Your advice will be helpful.

It is Bank Check Writer and my impression is that it is widely used in most countries.