Why reject?

What do you think:

Hi SVProductions!

I like it. Nice rendition of a classic favourite. Overall it sounds good, and maybe a hard reject was a little harsh, but there are a few things I’ll point out that could be the problem. Firstly, there is a little too much boomy bass (60Hz therabouts) in the low pizzicato strings which makes the mix sound a little too bassy and loose. Secondly, it’s likely down to taste, but I find the left-panned string section from 0:23 a bit too harsh. Maybe attenuate the levels there, or remove it completely. Additionally, the ending at 1:26 is a little confronting sounding. Again, the strings on the left should come down. You might want to check for dissonance there as well as it sounds a little off.

Overall, I think it’s a good track, but there are some issues, and it’s likely that this is the reason for the hard reject.

Thanks, turns out everything because of a trill of 1 violins and the hooting pizzicato? Could simply advise to remixing. Thank you!