Why my item is rejected?

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Modern Modals - Visual Composer Add-ons” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:
This item has a nice concept, but doesn’t feature the required functionality and features to be approved as a premium item.

here is my item demo:

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You can find these effects over the internet for free. Considering that there’s no point to pay for it


tnx, but i think that these effects are new

I thought that (even adapting it from HTML to VC) that using codrops tutorials in items was only allowed when used as part of a bigger item?

I don’t know about as a Visual Composer add on, but these modals definitely not unique or new in terms of looking or working that way.

I have seen those effects I think last year. You should create some more pages and use the each effect of different pages. You can try to upload it WordPress.Org and share it free, in worst case, it could promote your account

As I remember, yes, you’re right. You cannot use these effects to create a plug-in and resell but this is the another issue.

If we put a series of this staffs(like modal, button, image hover,…) and create a bundle for visual composer, is there any chance to approve the add-on?

Not sure but probably not. Most of the themes has these features already as in-built.
Just check the plugin categories to get the better ideas, if you ask my opinion

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https://tympanus.net/Development/ModalWindowEffects/ those look the exact same thing as what you try to sell here

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