Why my Business Card was rejected?

Need help Badly….I don’ t know why my print template for business card rejected and what reason. Please help me.

Your card is too generic. The circle shapes looks random without sustaining the globe concept. The website address is too close to margin. You used way too many fonts.

Your logo doesn’t match with the rest of the card.
You took the logo from here https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/abstract-logo-flame-shape_825159.htm#page=1&query=flame%20\logo%20templates&position=1

This logo require attribution. Freepik License
Free for personal and commercial purpose with attribution.

hi i see a collection of problems indeed …
1- harmony and color choices
first of all u have a big issue with general harmony … the fact of the matter is that some colors come out of the blue and are definitely not matching with the rest of what u have indeed …
2- global style
this is globally too simple, there is not so much graphic design in what u have here apart from icons, a logo and circles … this has an impact on the commercial potential indeed
3- commercial potential
well as just evoked in point 2, the fact of the matter is that as u do not have to much graphic design out there in the end , the commercial potential of your item is rather limited … look , people with just a honest knowledge of photoshop tools, would be able to do the same as u do rather quickly and easily … the problem is the following , if people cannot identify that they will save significant time out of buying, then they will opt to save money and do on their own …
4- global disposition and spacing
the fact of the matter is that most of the elements are not properly disposed … in the logo side , the logo is put to close from the the circles , tis looks choking … in the other side, the block for personal information is too close from the bottom edge and the name and function is not placed well tool , as not having the same space between the upper edge and the text as the space between the lower edge and the footer block …not to mention that the space between name and function and footer block is way too big until they look disconnected from each other …
5- coherence
why flagging the function in the center when the other things are likely to be on the left?
6- contrast
some text are definitely not contrasting enough with the background which leads up to further problems in a snowball effect see point 7
7- readability
well some texts are pretty hard to read … and why having them if they are not lisible?
8- breathing
blocks are too close from the margins indeed, this is not breathing as such …
9- trimline
not sure this is due to preview or not but the thing is that the website like this is either going to be cut or going to be too close from the lower margin (as inside the safety zone)
well the

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Thank you so much for your valuable time dear.

Thank you so much for your valuable comment brother

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u are welcome, good work and good luck :slight_smile: if u have enough to get o know how to take your game to the next level, u can check the “solution” box :slight_smile: