Why Like This Item Can Be Rejected ??

and the most bad thing says we can’t provide any feedback !!

The typography and layout is not on par with the marketplace items. Please study typography fundamentals, it will help you a lot. :slight_smile: Cheers, keep going!

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hi buddy, let’s face it the typo is plain u are right , but did u have a look at the stall in different places where they sell medicine? well more of the products are using very olin fonts like this , too and these items made it because basically an agency made them and the customer validated it until they have been printed and items out for sale , so basically , we can also wander why what is considered as efficient somewhere else is not supposed to be here … that’s a fact a lot of buyers / customers are looking for very plain things, besides take a look at some of the items that are on sale here and which are pretty plain, that’s not necessarily those selling the less, if u know what i mean … However, i ten to agree with you and think that an effort typo wise will be welcome and in particular when it comes to the bigger , most important texts

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hi basically, your work is kind of clea but this is also a bit too plain , too. U need to make a bit extra effort on typos and titles more specifically. Apart form this , u need to find a few originalities to widespread throughout the design and u also need to fix the paragraph of text in the darker rectangle … . The no space at all on both sideways and there’s much on top and on the bottom of it , which makes the thing look unbalanced PLus u have to introduce some spacings, instead of having one big block, u should have 2 or 3 small paragraphs, the whole rectangle with information will look lighter and much more readable as well. Cool choose when it comes to the logo and harmony , so u have a rather cool base to work with , now u just need some extra effort so that u take your work to the next level :wink:

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but i think it’s about the designer who will use it how he will design his label, not important for the mock-up file
anyway i will try to improve

Thank you for your advice :smiley:

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thank you for all what you said, all right, actually i was working about basics of the mock-up i didn’t gave more time for typo…
i just recognise my mistakes

Thank you so much helpful bro :wink:

i suggest that u pay attention to all details, even the smallest ones, sometimes they are also making a difference …

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i totally agree with you :slightly_smiling: