Why it is important to register your works in Content ID

Threats, blackmail and obscene language from kinoforallmanager's profile on AudioJungle

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@BenLeong @KingDog I would like to draw your attention to this user.


Wow, this is interesting. He seems like an unreasonable person and foul-mouthed.

Apart from that how did Elite Alliance find your music? On youtube?

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Yes, a copy of the film in question was uploaded to YouTube. This character responded extremely rudely by email, even to Elite Alliance employees.

Did he buy the correct license?

Can you prove the antecedence of your music? Deposit on the blockchain, use your copyright society deposit and transmit all this to Elte Alliance.

There’s no problem with that.
The film was released in 2020. All three of my items were published on AudiojJungle in 2016.
The fact is that when Elite Alliance requested a license, he responded with a link to Google Drive, but this link was with closed access. When the Elite Alliance requested access, he responded with rudeness and that was the end of it.

He’s lost the case already. I don’t think he’ll ever be able to file a case.


I’ve also had some strange messages from the same user.

I guess becuase my username is Score Studio? The music isn’t mine, and I had trouble understanding what the message was actually saying.

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Hello. Thanks for your response. Strange messages is an understatement.
And yes, my items sound according to the specified time codes. This was caught by Content ID YouTube and confirmed by Elite Alliance. But this man does not calm down and continues to threaten, now to my YouTube channel, there is something wrong with his head.

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What a nightmare. I agree, it’s clear by the way they write, that something isn’t ‘right’.

Yeah there’s definitely some inappropriate comments there. Feel free to flag them and we’ll remove them.

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@ScoreStudio I’ve a big favor to ask of you, which will only take 1 minute of your time. I would be very grateful if you would reply to the comment that this strange person left under your track. Please do me this favor.
It seems that he will not calm down and will continue to stalk me on the Internet until he is sure that the affected track have nothing to do with you.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks anyway.

No worries, I’ve replied saying the music isn’t mine. I hope he calms down!