Why is my project disapproved?

Hello there,
I uploaded a project yesterday, but today I received a mail like this.

where am i making a mistake
can there be any help, thanks in advance
good work

The preview video is broken

Hope this will may help you.

The logo style is outdated, there are 3 to 5 items have the style of raindrops on the market with good visual quality.

The glowing effect is very bright, if the buyers want to replace it with the white logo it will damage the logo shapes and it will look like a white dot.

The camera animation is very basic, it could be better if you animated the camera to go through the raindrops to the logo.

the raindrops shapes and animation needs more tweaking.

And at last keep trying :+1: and don’t lose hope :slight_smile:

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Thanks A Lot :slight_smile: