Why i getting only 30% of my sound effects sales!?!?!?!?
Probably taxes, check this out:
In my endless quest for maximum efficiency, I thought I’d create a catch-all post that I can refer people to if they have any questions that can be covered with a general explanation of fees and taxes. So here it is!
One thing to keep in mind, I’m not employed by Envato, so this isn’t the official company info on this. And… I’m not a tax expert either, so although I’ve ensured the following info is accurate to the best of my knowledge… always best to check with a tax expert before making any de…
maybe because you are not an exclusive author…
I am exclusive author and what? something really wrong… they get 70% from all i have even music… WHY???
oh… is usa annoying tax form … that’s why
Were i can find information about why i get so little money from my sales?
Have you filled out the W-8 form? If not then you will be subject to US tax from US buyers. Also if your country does not have a tax treaty with the US then you will unfortunately be subject to the 30% withholding tax from any US buyers. Check your statement and you can see who has purchased your items, it’s likely that they were a US citizen. Hope this helps
Probably taxes, check this out:
In my endless quest for maximum efficiency, I thought I’d create a catch-all post that I can refer people to if they have any questions that can be covered with a general explanation of fees and taxes. So here it is!
One thing to keep in mind, I’m not employed by Envato, so this isn’t the official company info on this. And… I’m not a tax expert either, so although I’ve ensured the following info is accurate to the best of my knowledge… always best to check with a tax expert before making any de…