Why haven't I received my payment in May and June 2024

hello, can anyone help explain my payment problem has not occurred this month?
I received proof of sales twice (May and June) via email as usual.
Is the value of May and June sales not yet eligible for payment?

I have reported to author support


(Edit: statements removed)

Hi @kongstones_std,

Have you selected your payout method—either Bank Transfer or PayPal (if it is available to you) in the new Market payout system?

Details help and instructions you will get here: (New Payout System)


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It seems like I have chosen to stick with PayPal, do I need to confirm again like this?

No! just make sure your payout method is Active (Active tag). Please check here: https://author.envato.com/profile/payment

I got news of author support

I followed the instructions, hopefully there will be good news soon :face_with_head_bandage: :pray:

@mgscoder Thank you for your support

Please note Tax summery and Tax info is not the same! Tax summery where you will be able to view your Tax Summary for the past year(s).

The Tax info form is available under Tax Information on your Settings page. You can also access the form by copying the following link and simply updating it with your username: https://themeforest.net/user//tax_information/new
The form includes some basic information about you, including your Foreign Tax Identification Number (TIN) and country of residence.

Tax Information & Form W-8 Requirements for non US Authors:

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I’ve already filled my tax information form and submitted it. Do I need to wait for further clarification/information delivered to me?

HI @kongstones_std. Tax summaries are a separate thing to your payments: it looks like you’ve submitted the tax information, so you shouldn’t have any further action required there.

I’ll check with the support team to see if there’s anything else you need to do - they will reply in your current support ticket.