Why have the sales for illustrations declined significantly?

I have noticed that illustrations are not selling like they used to years ago. The sales of artwork from 2009-2014 were significantly higher. If you look at the best sellers within the past year, the most sales were only 11! Clearly something has changed in the marketing/algorithm. I haven’t inspected other categories in detail so I am not sure if sales have tanked in those areas aswell. Can someone please provide some insight as to why this is happening?

Envato Elements !


woah, I was completely unaware about Envato Elements! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I just applied!

11 years have passed since 2009. There are more and more items on the market every year. Of course, competition is growing year by year

@romlam congrats for your 5K sales buddy :slight_smile:

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hi this is quite a very elementary explanation that u were given in a way as all depends on your personal efforts indeed, what @romlam said is definitely true, the market has definitely changed, there are way more guys in town and way more items , too , though sales are obviously being impacted too but the fact of the matter is that all this, apart from Envato Elements are not explaining anything directly … the fact of the matter is that according to such a saturated market , u are more and more expected to get noticed by yourself by potential customers and to do so , u are demanded to promote your work by yourself wherever u can , plus , something that a lot of people fail to mention, indeed, if u are the kind of guy to post occasionally some new items, this is a very significant reason for u to have way more trouble than in the past to sell. Focusing on quality, originality and posting on regular basis is not an option nowadays, this is mandatory

Haha! :rofl: You didn’t forget that I was also close. Thank you mate :yum: :+1:

yes sure but this time the target is reached … lol