Why Envato so bad now?

Hello Dear Envato Forums:) Why Envato so bad now?
Bad sales, high percent reject (while the quality of tracks is getting worse) discontent new freelancers, end other. I have some friends (in themeforest, photodune, audiojungle) and they say that the envato has now bad, (thinking of moving to other markets) some think it’s because envato elements. I like Envato but I also think to look for other source. Yes my music is not perfect for commerce but still competitive.
My question - Why Envato so bad now? Thanks.

In my opinion, what you described is due to Envato’s huge success. The amount of people submitting work continues to be more and more, making the sales spread out among a vast sea of items. Envato didn’t used to be so prominent, but still brought in a lot of customers, so the authors who were here in the beginning naturally sold more individually.

The amount of rejects is for the same reason. Envato continues to grow more and more, and many people seem to see it as a get rich for minimal effort opportunity, and many artists of all types often don’t understand what an item needs to be marketable, and those people are showing up in greater numbers because of Envatos popularity. With that being said, there are also a lot of highly skilled people which consistently post high quality items which raises the bar for what’s expected. If no one submitted high quality items, then they’d likely accept more low quality ones, but because that isn’t the case, items that used to be acceptable may no longer meet the current standards, which continues to rise all the time, forcing authors to constantly improve/adapt their work, which not everyone does.


Do you think the market in terms of authors has grown faster than sales which has led to most authors now seeing very low sales? (going from the many comments throughout this forum).

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I think this statement has something to do with survival bias: those who are doing well just don’t post here about it that much, or don’t post at all. Besides, there are celebration post appearing on forums every now and then, like “I’m finally Elite!” or “500 sales Wow!”. As of the market becoming more and more saturated - clearly, it’s true. But every job market is saturated - lowyers, doctors, construction workers, engineers, etc., everybody needs to compete for a piece of a pie and a place under the sun, but imagine you enter the room full of your competitors, but after consideration you find that 75% of those are just random people seeking for a quick buck and not set up for serious work. So maybe the situition on this market is harder than in the past, but it’s clearly far from the crisis, stagnation or decline. Titans like BMI, Envato are showing constant grow of income in last years, the question is how you can make yourself to be the part of this growing. Just my thougths.


I’m not sure what country you are from but in the UK we have a shortage of thousands of doctors, contruction workers and engineers.

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I assume it’s shortage of qualified doctors, etc. So if some random guy with no degree or experience will try to apply to a doctor job and gets rejected, he would say “Oh, this market is so saturated! I’ve watched so much YouTube tutorials, why wouldn’t they take me in and pay me money?” The problem with music licensing market, as I see it, is that entering threshold seems to be very low, but in fact it grows higher and higher every year. I don’t mean in any way that most authors are unqualified or anything, but clearly what most authors can count on is pocket change money only. I myself do realise what my competence and skills are, and I do understand that those are not enough for now to make say $40K a year. That’s harsh reality, and someone can be dissapointed with that, but it’s not a market problem, the market is fine, it’s us authors who nned to adapt, grow and learn not only production skills per se, but also trends, culture differences, worldwide media events and maybe even memes to understand what you can sell, and what would collect dust forever.

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