Why Envato continuously reject AEP templates?

I uploaded 2 AEP project file in the previous day on videohive.net, Envato rejected that both templates. They just mail me that this template does not require our minimum quality. But I got so many appreciations from other experts designer and also got 2 freelance projects from these videos.

So, I want to know what is the minimum quality you want from my video, what I miss in this template. Please Guide me properly, so I will create another template with respective your terms.

Thank you.

@PROLIFICMotion Hi, sorry for the rejections. To get feedback on your projects, please posts their preview videos links here :wink:

Thank you for your response Atamotion

Here I attached my video preview. Please guide me on what I need to improve.

Thank you.

@PROLIFICMotion The first shot looked cool and promising, like maybe there’s more complex and cool scenes coming! But nope, the first shot just kept on repeating with different text :smiley: intercut with stock video… so it’s very obvious why you got a rejection…

It’s cause you only have one unique scene in this project. The 3D in it looks nice, the text animation is simple, but would be enough if there were 9 more different scenes with different corona virus and text animations and dynamic compositions and some more complex and more interesting transitions between each scene.

Also the stock footage bits seemed to long and boring, like it’s literally switching between a template and just showing bland stock footage, with no seamless integration of the two things.

I mean just search for best selling covid-19 openers and you’ll notice how much better they achieve all of the above points. They have lots of different dynamic shots - compositions and more interesting animations with interesting transitions that tie graphics and stock video into a seamless opener. You basically created a same project as theirs but just about 80% percent simpler one. How are you expecting to get this approved and to compete with the above projects? :smiley:

Either gotta make it atleast just as good as the approved projects, but maybe with a bit different compositions and effects or you need to find some original approach and idea to this corona opener. Since you failed to do both, you got rejected.

Also I would be vary of getting your hopes up by asking for feedback from people who aren’t in this business of stock assets. Or in general by asking for feedback from people who haven’t achieved whatever that you’re aiming to achieve by getting that feedback :smiley::man_shrugging:

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Thank you Atamotion For your guideline. It will help me in my upcoming project.

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