Why does a Wordpress themes primary page in the marketplace not show the theme's version?

Hi, Why does a Wordpress themes primary page in the marketplace not show the theme’s version? I know I can download the theme and open up the styles.css to see… but what a chore. Is there any good reason the version is not listed down the right hand side of the page with all the other useful info? For example…

[item removed]
It shows…

Last Update
High Resolution
Widget Ready
Compatible Browsers
Compatible With
Software Version
ThemeForest Files Included

…but no version number.

Hi @Straight-Talk-On-Min,

Welcome to the forums! Some authors put a changelog at the bottom of item description that’s even more useful than just a version number :slight_smile:


Thanks! Yes, some do have a changelog which can be useful. Not in this case that I can see, which makes hunting for a version in the changelog even less appealing. I can think of many reasons to display a products version in a standard location (ie. with the other metadata)… and none to not. Just curious really, I know where to find the version but always wondered why does a Wordpress themes primary page in the marketplace not show the theme’s version.