Why did my import plugin get rejected?

Hi everybody,

I wish all of you are fantastic week, however the week hasn’t started off that fantastically for me. I ve just seen that the import plugin I’ve been working so hard for a long time just got rejected.

Maybe the most upsetting thing could be that it wasn’t even tested even though I provided a link on the application form, which you can also see below.

Launch Demo: Launch Demo – Tutty | Theme Setup Wizard

I would really appreciate if you wouldn’t let my time and effort go in vain and take your time to explain even further the reasons of this rejection.

Some Images

Some information would be useful:

  • Please copy-paste the rejection message the Envato reviewer sent you

  • Graphics that you have such as the banner you submitted

  • You said it’s an “import plugin”, but I also see it’s a Theme Setup Wizard - is this part of a theme?. It’s not clear to me what you submitted. It would be helpful if you provided us with the TITLE, DESCRIPTION, a few words about what this does, etc.

The plugin would need “Extended License” for the authors to be able to use and it’s not gonna be useful for the single end-user. In addition, there’re already similar systems that allows the authors to import the demo content ( Merlin, for example ) and it’s not gonna be good idea to try to sell it.

What you could do is to give away for free but I don’t think this wasn’t your aim.


Thanks for your answer.

  • Message: “unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.”

  • Yes, actually theme setup wizard and yes part of the theme but if developer want use as a plugin he/she can.

Documantion: Document

Product Title: Tutty | Theme Setup Wizard


Developed for WordPress theme developers, tutty is an installation wizard that can be integrated into themes by developers and aims to provide a better installation experience to users who will install the theme in their systems.


You’re not offering special feature comparing to the free items

Actually I offering.

TGM: Only plugin install.

Most similar plugin Merlin wp and some oneclick, but not exactly the same.

I added some features to my own plugin by reading the requests in merlin’s repository

Check Server Requirements
Validation System
— By adding a verification system to tutty’s built-in installation steps and the special installation steps that you will add later, you can tell your users that they have to provide the conditions you specified to move to the next step.
---- prevent your users from finishing the installation process if they do not activate the plugins you marked as required.
Easier add custom step
More hooks.

and more.

There are other products that are allowing developers to integrate into their themes on CodeCanyon (for example CodeStarFramwork). I also think that every product can have opponents within their categories just like themeforest blog category which has tons of products within this category.

We can only suggest the reasons why it’s rejected but if you’re looking for the main reason, you can contact the Envato support to get a proper reply

To compare your item with the one that has been approved two years ago is not a good idea. Since then, lots of things has changed.

I asked to Envato but I didn’t get answer when my previous item was rejected.

@truser sent me the code privately after I requested to take a look.

Thanks for sending,

There are many instances where you did not follow the code requirements. Just a few examples:

  1. I didn’t see a .POT translation file. Where is it? it is required
  2. You are not escaping text. ’ _ _ ( ’ is only translation . You need to use 'esc_html_ _ ( ', not ’ _ _ ( '.
  3. simple-grid.css does not have a table of contents
    app.css DOES have a table of contents at the top, but the heading lines are not also found inside the text (only at the top), making the table of contents useless
  4. You are using INLINE STYLING (‘style="…"’), which is not allowed, you must always place the CSS externally
  5. You are not allowed to use ‘==’ , you must always use ‘===’.

Screenshots with issues 2, 4, and 5: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

When you submit a plugin, you need to take this list 1 by 1 carefully and make sure it follows all requirements here: WordPress Plugin Requirements – Envato Author Help Center It seems you did not do this.

The reviewers will assess 2 things:

  1. Code Quality
  2. Commercial Potential

Code Quality does not follow the standards.

Commercial Potential - This is a very NICHE item. This is mostly for developers, so the potential for sales is limited from the start.

Oh thanks for review, I forget language folder composer, it’s exist but not added.

First and second image related with “wordpress-importer libary” some problems exist on merlinwp but envato theme check plugin allowed this problems, because exclude merlin files.

I will fix the problems and I try submit again.

Import files are usually rejected because the file you’re trying to upload exceeds your server’s hard limits on file size.

If it was related to code quality, he would’ve got a hard-rejection instead of soft-rejection so the team would allow him to fix the problems. - It’s not related to code quality.