Why Buy 175 Licenses For The Same Track??

You can sometimes get lucky by Googling the buyer name from the invoice.

Invoice??? Envato gives you invoices???

Go to your dashboard, click Statements, below every sold item there’s a line that says “Invoice: IVIPXXXXXXX”, where the x’s are numbers. Click it and you get the invoice.

You’re allowed up to 10,000 copies on the standard license, even if it’s a commercial product, and unlimited if you go with the mass reproduction license. He would not need to get a license for each DVD set because the DVD set is one end product, not different products / productions. It’s always possible that he doesn’t understand what he paid for and thinks he has to get a new license every time he sells a set, but I doubt it. That only applies when the end product is “in a tool or template, or with source files.” as noted in the license itself. Otherwise the buyer’s not understanding the license.

That’s actually possible. Even here at Envato Marketplaces, an After Effect bundle can go for as much as $195. One template product sold here at Videohive for $65 (standard license) and $195 (enhanced license) has sold 7,604 times since December of 2015.

Outside of Envato, I’ve seen an After Effects template bundle selling for as much as $250 (standard), $399 (enhanced) and $549 (premium) and it does not include music.

Don’t get me wrong - I’m not questioning the possibility of such a product bundle being made available; I’m just expressing my doubt that someone with a website that portrays himself as a corporate video producer would also have such a complex and demanding (and unrelated) side gig.

Wow that is amazing. 4 years and I never knew that until now, just goes to show the value of the forums.