Why author fee is being charged twice for each sale on CodeCanyon?

For each sale I make on CodeCanyon, I see author fee is being charged twice:

  1. Author fee for sale
  2. Author fee for included support sale

Is it normal to have author fee to include the support sale by author? After sale support is something up to the author to offer. Why CodeCanyon is then charging fees to author rather than customer?

How do I cancel the author fee for included support sale?

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One is for support, one is for the item.

As the item support ( if available ) included to the item for the first 6 months, you cannot cancel that fee - with or without support, item fee it what you have paid in total.

If you purchase an item without support, you won’t see the “additional” charge as “support sale”

Does that mean the customer paid $3.80 additionally on top of the item price to get the author support?

With or without support, the item fee is the same, so, no.