Why am i getting hard reject?


Youtube buttons that I designed with After Effects are constantly getting hard rejects. I never understand why. Can you help me?

Hi. You have to link a video preview of your work here so we can give you some feedback about it.

You can check from here; https://streamable.com/uh81ne


GoForMotion via Envato Forums <envato@discoursemail.com>, 30 Mar 2022 Çar, 15:25 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

Hi. I’ve watched your preview. I think your work was rejected because your buttons are very basic about design and motion and they have almost no variations, just color. Besides, there are many buttons and packs of different buttons for YouTube already on Videohive. So if you’re going to keep trying with YouTube buttons, you will have to make something really new and outstanding to get an approval. First of all, you should check on YouTube buttons that already exist on Videohive, make a quick search, then you’ll see what I’m saying and that will help you to improve your project.
Hope this helps!
Good luck! :+1:

I understand. Then I will prepare more different and creative designs. Thank you for your time!

You’re welcome :+1::blush: