which theme can be help full to create a micro niche website

how to make a website like (removed) ? is it mirco niche website how i develop a website like this.please guide me fully i will be thankful to you.which templete or theme can be best for it.where i can make different type to micro niche.here is some link below.

Look on codecanyon - several of these scripts exist

thanks you to answer me can you please provide me the direct link of some useful and some goods themes links

It’s not a theme it’s just a scipt to download content

Only you know which platform you want to work with and what you want it to do so, so you will need to search on https://codecanyon.net

thanks charlie to answer me i m seeing these themes but there is no one like this to all in one.and if i purchase all of them and how i can keep them on my web on single page.kindly guide me in details i will be thank ful to you.as (removed) working in one page please guide me in details step by step i will be thnak ful to you.warm regards

These are all video downloaders - https://codecanyon.net/search/video%20downloader

All you need is any theme/site template you want to use (noone can advise on htis because it depends which platform you want to use), then choose one of these scripts that does what you want and install it there.

thank you to answer me the matter is this the mostly person who are selling services dont fulfill requirements which they offering on envato.i have already bad experiences of it.

Seems like a bit of a generalisation for a marketplace with thousands of authors.

We’ve bought well into the thousands of items and probably less than 10% have been a problem

Unfortunately if you have had a bad experience and don’t trust items from here then why look for more?

its necessary Charlie when you pay for any thing eve you are purchasing any thing.its your team duty to check those people who using your plate foam negatively and wrong.i m look more coz its market place any body can come in market and purchase as he or she like or need.you can check my history on your plate foam where any author donot provide me documentation and other tools which he was selling.and this author denied me to return my money.but your team find the facts and return my money to my envato. account.so kindly check i m customer and i m giving money on the trust of envato.so your answer why i purchased on envato.please think about it if you can Charlie warm regards