Where To Start WordPress Theme Development For ThemeForest

I am going to start working on WordPress themes for ThemeForest, i have experience in WordPress theme development but what are the standards to follow and which tools(framework) to use. Any other tips will be appreciated.

PS : I need to know which framework to use and what other factors to look into. I already have approved HTML and will bring more items in.

My work: https://themeforest.net/user/thatsblogging


@ThePixor @MontuThemes @charlie4282 and all wordpress developers.

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Well first of all, you need Theme Options for theme and Redux Framework is a good start. Themeforest Code Standards: You need to escape everything, from words, variable, echos etc. Search for “wordpress proper escape” to understand more about this. And for the rest, no error or notice is allowed. And for Design: Typography, Space & Margins and a bit of luck👍Is hard but is 100% possible! Good Luck!


Thank you so much for the tips @vega-themes

Hi , You may wanna check this first https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822450-WordPress-Theme-Submission-Requirements

Also ReduxFramework is a good idea for theme options , But a lot of themes support Theme Customiser these days because it’s easier to use for both developers and buyers … You may wanna give it a try , Also this framework could help you https://aristath.github.io/kirki/

Last , These are the most common code-related rejection messages https://jpst.it/OXfP

Good luck .

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Thank you so much @MontuThemes You always help like an angel :slight_smile: