Where the list of Newest items?

As now it is possible to see new works…?

Instead of newest items showing best seller results… what is going on ?

surely something is wrong …

hmmm i agree…

I have a new project but I do not see what happened?

anybody write about this problem to support?

How to write to support about this evil error. Give me a link?

oh now! again! the same question: anybody write about this problem to support? how to write to support about this error

Okay, now it’s all good. What does not change the fact that what happened is very bad for the projects that have been approved for sale on the last day … what is happening and why is this happening? Envato?

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Hi all. Just following up on this thread - the Newest Item issue was reported to our developers through several support tickets, and identified as a bug on Feb 23. It reoccurred on March 3rd (and was fixed again) - there’s more discussion about it in this thread over in Author Hangout.