Where is the best place for BUYERS to have a say here?

Other than sending comments via the support forms, which only seem to attract bad outcomes, is there a forum that is best for people who just buy items to make comments? Seems most areas are author centric :smile:

No, it’s the opposite actually ; those forums are for buyers too. Without buyers all of those would be meaningless. And please forgive us for having the most NonUserFriendly forum in the universe.

I agree with @Bedros you are welcome to have your say here.

The only reason it can get author centric is because more authors are here than buyers which is understandable as they are more involved.

As long as a buyer’s (speaking as one of the bigger buyers on here) OR author’s comments are justified then it will not turn against them.

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Buyers are just as welcome as authors here. Everyone will be welcomed, ridiculed, congratulated, ignored, agreed with, disagreed with, inspired, scolded and assisted just the same whether they are a buyer or an author.

I’m a buyer and an author… have bought 676 items here, and sometimes I chip in with a bit of advice or requests for assistance from a buyer’s perspective. Everyone’s usually pretty helpful. If anything, there’s probably a tiny bit of positive bias towards buyers in the forum. After all, if somebody is nice and friendly and helpful towards you, then you might buy one of their items, insights from buyers are pretty rare and usually very helpful, and a positive experience for a buyer probably means you’ll buy more stuff in the future. That’s good for authors and it’s good for Envato. A negative experience might result in not buying anything in the future and negative word of mouth. Nobody wants that.

Personally, I prefer equality, so I hate all humans equally. :grinning:
