Where do we draw the line? (copy paste of songs)

OK hal9000 I suppose you have legal right to use that avatar of yours :slight_smile:

So… Are you the legal owner of Metro Music? Or Metro Music Bar? Since both of them are not “right of Germany” (to quote your words) I guess no… :slight_smile:

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Well, according to your logic… im not to the right of Germany, so yes… yes indeed. :slight_smile:

Why did you two get so offended with my phrase “right to the Germany” ?! i don’t see anything ofending there,just a graphic way to refer to eastern european countries (former eastern block,you know, countries behind the Iron Curtain). All nice people by the way

Ah… MetroMusic… it is called irony (hence the smileys). -> :slight_smile:
And I think there is no reason to call the people behind the former iron fence somehow “low standart”.
On the contrary, e.g. from Ukraine come many very talented composers - of which I learn by the way.

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Congratulations Robert for opening this “copy/paste” discussion. The problem is that Audiojungle rewards quantity over quality. I think it’s a good time to open this debate because getting to the point of touching the nowadays madness of high number of songs and authors is time to purge the system a little more to get to raise the quality.
In fact just yesterday I was teaching the audiojungle website to a musicians friend. I showed them the portfolio of a successful Spanish author because he was from our country. My friend put two songs at random and just sounded the same, they were exact copies.


dude ! i saw this too ! its freaking hilarious :smiley: the sad thing it is working ! :confused:

That’s depressing they’re not even trying and yes they are saturating the market with crap making it harder for legit composers to be heard. How come AJ hasn’t pulled the “composition standard” flag on this…?

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And luckily you didn’t check the SFX category. There already is a terrible mess in terms of similarity staying for years and exponentially increasing :scream: