Where and how can I get support from the author?

I bought a item few weeks before (with 12 months support).
Now I have a question and send it to the author - two times over “Get support” button on the “Support” page of this item - and I still waiting (now 3 weeks) and get no answer.

Maybe I choose the wrong way to contact the author?
Which is the right way?


Through the contact form on the Author Portfolio Theme. Unless the author says otherwise. How did you contacted the author?

3 weeks is a long time.
Have you ever tried to send a direct email to the author?
There is a CONTACT FORM in each author’s PROFILE PAGE.
You can use it to send an email to the author.

I’m having the same issue - I even paid EXTRA for support! Envato, who polices your authors to make sure they’re living up to the product promise? I’ve had great experiences with other authors so I know this is really crappy service.


post a comment on the item page, the author will respond faster :)))

Of course I posted there as well.

This is better taken up with support. There are a number of variables on support i.e. how long you have had to wait, what the request was, what caused the issue etc.

Obviously it is very hard to police over 2 million items but assuming you have contacted the author using the correct support channel (above main item image is the “support” tab with instructions on how the author handles support) and your situation meets the requirements, if you have paid for extended support and are not receiving it for something fundamental with he theme then you should be entitled to a refund.